Guide rails are the static component that the cabin will hold on to when an uncontrolled situation occurs while the elevator is moving up or down. The vertical movements of the counterweight and its cabinet are guided by guide rails. A system should be installed that will prevent horizontal movement, in which there will be no need to operate the safety device. There should be a system in which stall door locks will not be opened unintentionally. Therefore, guide rails play a very important role in terms of elevator safety. Care should be taken to install a safe system with guide rails in the facilities. It must be ensured that the distances between the rails are constant throughout the well. The number of rails and the distance between them should be determined by the project and standards. When a project comes to the builder, the characteristics of the well should be thoroughly examined. Then rail calculations should be made.
In fixing the guide rails and not bending, but with the quality of the material rail fasteners quality is very important. In determining the size, number, and distance of rails in facilities, cabinet weight, cabinet load, rail mounting format, cabinet design, hanging point, rail consoles and December of consoles are the determining elements. Rail fasteners are as important as rails in providing a safety device. The supports installed for fixing the elevator rails, which are the carrier and guide of the installation, into the well are responsible for the sustainability, comfort and most importantly, the safety of the system.
Consoles are one of the most important fasteners of rails in the system in its safety and sustainability. Because it is the fasteners that are used to fix the rails to the wall. It must be of the same strength as the rails. It should be the same as the steel quality of the rail.
The intermediate compartments of the consoles to which the guide rails mounted on concrete are connected in the structures mustn't allow any decaying on the rail when subjected to any force. The role of fasteners is great in preventing the guide rails from opening sideways after guiding. The wiggling on the consoles endangers the stability of the rails. It requires the operation of safety devices. This is also undesirable from the point of view of the safety of the facility. It will cause a loss of time during installation. It causes the delivery time to be delivered later than the specified times. Elevators are the best solution to prevent horizontal movement over the months is to choose the consoles with the right specifications and dimensions.
In elevator facilities, concrete is an active material from which guide rails are installed. It can attract due to the characteristics of the environment in the well. For example, it can change the influence of heat. There is a possibility that the rails will be subjected to pressure, especially in undesirable situations such as earthquakes. In medium-speed and high-comfort facilities, calculations related to rails should be made by considering all kinds of effects, including earthquakes, that may occur in the environment. The risks that may occur with any kind of impact should be planned and safe, high quality, suitable rails, and fasteners connected to the rails should be selected and installed. Both the elevator rails and the consoles should be transferred to the installation institution after the correct calculations are made. The material should not be damaged while being made compatible with the project. So that the stability of the rails is not disturbed, it can stand without bending, there is no bending accurate, durable, and safe consoles must be used. After the guide rail calculations are made, the consoles of the most appropriate dimensions should be used. In addition, the console material must be high-quality and resistant to high strength.
When the system is in motion, when there is braking, the cabin and the counterweight maintain their vertical direction and do not rotate so that the consoles must hold the rail against any kind of force. In undesirable situations, such as rope breakage or excessive increase in landing speed, the mechanical brake stops the cabin by braking on the guide rails. That is why the material of the fasteners should be chosen very well. With a quality and correct selection, skidding on the rails can be prevented. It is very important that the rails are not thrown or their stability is not damaged.
EMA elevator rail connection console systems there are different types of wells according to their technical differences.
- Allow the counterweight to work on the left or right of the cabinet,
- Let the counterweight work behind the cabin,
- Connecting the cabinet and counterweight rail to the same console,
- The width is greater than the depth,
- The depth is greater than the width,
- Although in narrow wells,
- Hydraulic lift system,
- L According to the carcass elevator system
Side-weighted, rear-weighted, cross-weighted, hydraulic, and fit lift we have elevator consoles. We produce from steel plates. Our productions are realized in presses with closed and open metal processing molds.
No matter what conditions your project is in, make the installation of the rails safely…
Elevator requests in Turkey usually come after the buildings are finished. For this reason, it is being tried to design the dimensions of the facility to be established by both the project and the Regulation. Rail calculations should be made very well in designs made in projects where the final floor height and well bottom distance are not very suitable. Accordingly, it becomes even more important to mount the fasteners with the correct dimensions. Against mounting errors, the rail must show very good resistance without bending, bending, and horizontal movement.
Types of EMA elevator consoles flexible sizes. It can be installed in every well dimension without any problems. Engine, brake systems, doors, cabin, etc. the assembly of the elevator parts starts smoothly.
When EMA fasteners are used, it is sufficient to say only the elevator type and the number of stops.
Start the installation of the elevator plant with quality materials…
We use a bolted system in our fasteners to secure the rails to the wall. Being a movable mechanism, the elevator must be able to maintain the integrity of the material from which the rails and fasteners are made while moving or standing. Both when there is a slip during installation and when there is a slip in the building, there should be products that are resistant to change and show durability.
That is why the most secure and high-quality system is bolted connection system. Rail systems that are fixed with bolts and clips are the safest. Because there is a margin of stretching. Since there is always a risk of stretching and slipping in moving mechanisms, the products that provide the best solution to these risks are bolted systems. There is also a margin of expansion and contraction according to all kinds of weather conditions.
EMA products are safe and durable under all kinds of conditions. Our fasteners are capable of preventing the rails from flexing, opening sideways, and tossing during any force, including an earthquake. It ensures that the entire previous process is carried out safely for the safe placement of elevator parts.
Secure the rails in your elevator facility with problem-solving intelligent EMA fasteners…
EMA consoles are resistant to corrosion for many years. It is specially designed for standardized adjustable with high strength values. They have high mobility against all kinds of forces.
Save Time and Save Labor Costs with EMA Elevator Consoles
The absence of the right material on the construction site during the installation of the elevator leads to extra costs and the completion of the work in a longer time than planned. This situation wastes time, disrupts the company's planning, and increases labor costs. If the correct and high-quality material is not used, it will cause the material to be deformed during assembly, which will require the use of a new product. Or it will require correction of the material. This will also affect the costs. Correct and timely purchases made in the installation of the elevator installation are very important in reducing costs.
Bolted systems are a more economical solution than welded systems during the installation phase in elevator facilities. Although the welded system seems cheaper in terms of material cost at the initial stage, it is a more expensive solution when looking at the installation time and labor costs. The bolted system saves time by allowing the elevator to be delivered at an earlier time.
Our consoles, which we produce with a bolted system to fix the rails to the wall, can be adjusted for each project. EMA fasteners it is available as a set. When the elevator type and the number of stops are specified to us, the installation is carried out in a much shorter time with our console sets, which show high adjustability. We have a separate set for each floor. Dowels, nuts, nails, etc. all the products that need to be used in the connection are in the set. Since it is a bolted system, there is no need to use any other material other than the products in the set, as the material integrity will not be disturbed during assembly. It does not cause time losses due to the waiting time for new material to arrive at the construction site. There is no deformation in our products during assembly. This means that the installation master knows how much time he will spend on each floor.
Our fastener packages are in such a way that they can be easily stored in any kind of construction site environment. During assembly, installation is carried out serially. It is an important advantage that prevents the loss of time. Purchases made with EMA elevator consoles contribute significantly to reducing costs for companies.