The most affordable price for elevator consoles is the installation from the beginning to the end without any problems and the use of a quality console that will ensure the healthy operation of the elevator, to which we entrust our lives afterward.
To be able to say the appropriate price of elevator consoles it is necessary to be aware of which system the product price is being considered for. Since there are two systems, the welding system and bolted system, each price should be evaluated according to the system.
The Welded System has been used since the earliest times. There are many variable factors for the welded system to be a successful assembly. For example, weather and temperature changes may cause changes in the size of the material on the day of installation. These changes may cause cracks and fractures to appear on the weld. There may be cracks in the welding process that are not visible, which may indicate that the welding process is flawless. A perfect process is performed in the assemblies with the welding system and the service is completed. But at the first sudden impact, the brittle material may exhibit behavior and show a sudden fracture. This situation is both a hardship in terms of occupational health and safety and economic hardship in terms of covering the damage. Most people find this situation normal for these fractures against this impact and earthquake. This is normal when using a console with a welded system. But nowadays, installation is also carried out with a bolted system. There is a margin of stretching in quality consoles produced according to the bolted system. It is a cost to use a welded system and risk experiencing difficulties, while there is an option to use a console that is trouble-free and does not cause any problems under any circumstances. It is an expensive solution. It is not normal to choose an expensive solution when there is an economical solution.
There is a standard that should be in Elevator Rail Connection Systems throughout the world and our country. The use of a quality console that meets this standard also determines the price. The current standard is EN 81-20 Construction, Installation, and Use safety standard. There is an elevator console rule determined by this standard. According to the rule, the console must have certain strength values. Consoles of this value are obliged to use certified raw materials of a certain quality. The console, which is resistant to any external influences both during the construction phase and for many years, should be used. There should be no welded production. Today, most buyers attach importance to the certificate. To have a wide range of customers and to be able to grow the business, it is an economical solution to produce products by the standard. It would not be a suitable offer to present job references to new business partners with sourced system production.
The solutions that provide an immediate solution to any error in elevator console manufacturing and continuous manufacturing are the most economical. In welded system products, it may be necessary to damage the material integrity to return from errors in manufacturing. This is also a waste of time. The best safety system is one that will not damage the integrity of the material. In other words, the most economical solution is the manufacture of bolted systems.
Standardized adjustable design on elevator console products, sets presented in packages, products with high strength values and high mobility, as well as products of companies with brand recognition, are the most affordable products.
The prices of the companies that will offer product designs and sustainable services suitable for your project are always appropriate. The missing material during the product during assembly prolongs the work time. It would be a waste of time and money. According to the structure of business plans according to the number of days, each extended business day will bring the risk of loss. Therefore, the price of companies that offer a console set in a packaged form during the process is always the most affordable. Productions with a special security code for products are advantageous. In every process from purchase to sale, certified products lead to the completion of the work in the shortest possible time.
Since each elevator has different techniques or different conditions for each project, working with brands that offer a wide range of products in elevator rail connection systems offers a price advantage. The adjustable product suitable for the current conditions saves both money and saves working days. In adjustable-quality bolted materials, the risk of damage to the material is eliminated. You get rid of the cost of new material. Presenting the products in packages also prevents the problem of a lack of materials. You will not waste time developing solutions to adapt the conditions of the project or the technical characteristics of the elevator to the material. When the consoles are suitable for your project or elevator, you plan your systematic and planned work. During the process, you do not think about whether there will be risks that are likely to occur, learned from old experience.
When deciding to work with an elevator company, you should research companies that offer trouble-free installation services in all dimensions under all conditions of your project. For example, as an EMA elevator, it will be enough for you to tell us your elevator type and the number of stops. We provide service with our product design suitable for your project. For years, we have provided services in the installation of countless elevators in countless projects in this sector. We not only brought solutions to problems while serving. At the same time, we have started to design adjustable products suitable for all conditions that will Decipher the problems with our R&D studies. When we focused on Elevator Rail Connection Consoles, we made alternative designs suitable for each project. We have developed products. We aimed at fast, quality product reliable service by the standard. We have developed products suitable from the narrowest well to the widest well, from the smallest part to the widest part.
Our goal was to install an adjustable system suitable for the conditions of the project. As we developed adjustable products suitable for projects or elevators, we started to realize firsts not only in Turkey but also in the world. We have ensured that there are assemblies that will make the most troublesome project safe. As our customers increased, the awareness that our price is appropriate according to our service and product quality increased.
As an EMA elevator, we have found that the bolted system is very reliable and suitable service with our R&Dec studies. We have always attached importance to engineering studies. Analyzes, statistics, and reports showed that bolted connection products do not give unexpected reactions when the product is provided with the required strength for the project with the correct product selection under load. Every unexpected reaction, except the planned one, wastes time and money. Everyone wins with products that do not pose a risk of losing. There is a risk of material weakening and October processing risk in every manufactured console except bolted connection elevator consoles.
Everyone wants the elevator to work properly for many years. Everyone wants the old parts used to be replaced as soon as possible. If the outdated product is bolted, it is an easily replaceable quality product. For products other than bolted products, the elevator console must be completely replaced. When you do not complete your project with a product used from the materials from which bolted connection consoles are manufactured, there is a risk of material weakening and October processing. This will cause you to completely replace the elevator console, while there is a possibility that you can solve the problem by simply replacing the part. This is a waste of both days and money.
It is an advantage for everyone to have the parts replaced as soon as possible instead of the cost of a new elevator console. Nowadays, companies that provide quick solutions in every sector are winning. Starting the installation with a bolted system during the first installation is the most economical price for everyone. With a quick solution to any change, both the person who will bring a solution wins time and the person who wants a solution wins time. The people at the place where the elevator is located prevent the disruption of their business in their sector.
The most affordable price is the consoles that facilitate project-based work. The elevator console, which is suitable for the correct engineering analysis in the project, is the most economical solution. It is the most economical solution if the project is not adapted to the product, but the product can be adjusted to the project and certified. Any brand that attaches importance to the production of consoles "based on mass production" is the most affordable price.
Welded consoles that do not comply with the standard should not be a cheap and economical solution when conducting price research. The advantages, quality, safety, practicality, and convenience of our bolted consoles in the short or long term are supplied at a much more affordable price in comparison.
With the welded system, you will not comply with the standard and you will have to think and calculate the variables that are likely to be many with it. These calculations and plans will save you time. You need to calculate the width of the contact surface of the project. You need to think about surface cleanliness or moisture. You may need to solve the weather and temperature risks on the day of installation. Solving every variable in every account is both a loss of work and a loss of money. It is not an economic solution. It also means that you do not use adjustable certified products that are suitable for the conditions of the project.